2024 Masters
With just over a week until the Masters, a favorite time of year for many of us, we wanted to give you some additional motivation to get excited about this years event… aside from the prospects of Tiger Woods playing! Did you really need another reason to be glued to the TV for four days?!?
On that note, we are thrilled to share the details for our 2024 Masters Pool. Given the success and feedback from last years pools, we are excited to grow participation and prizes from this years winners.
The rules are simple and it is extremely easy to enter. See Below:
Note: We will be using the same online platform as we used in 2023, so the sign-up process and live scoring, which provides real-time projected updates to see how your team(s) are trending will be identical to last year.
* Entry Fee will be $25 per team (you may enter as many teams as you would like)
* Entry Fees need to be e-transfered to darylcramm@gmail.com (no password needed)
* Each entry will consist of 6 players, of which the best 4 players earning will count towards your team’s total. Pick 1 from each tier (link to submit team entries below)
* The team with the lowest combined team score after the completion of play on Sunday will be declared our winner.
* Ties will be sorted on the leaderboard based on the following criteria:
- Closest guess to winning golfer’s score (doesn’t matter if higher or lower)
- Scorecard playoff winner. For example, if I have Tiger at -5 and Rory at -3, and you have Bubba at -4 and Phil at -4, then we both have -8 but I win because my best is better than your best. Keep matching best to best until the tie is broken. This does not include playoff holes. This is an automatic secondary sort on your leaderboard, and again it is up to the pool admin to decide if this will be used to help break a tie.
- If more is needed to break the tie, the pool admin has final say.
How to Enter:
Join Code: 308276#biwl (If asked)
Deadline – Wednesday April 10th, at 11:59pm
Note: To enter multiple teams simply click the link and give each team a unique name. (ex. The Aces, The Stingers etc.) Please also include your full name and e-mail address.
1st Place – Winner will receive a stock 2024 Taylormade Qi10 Driver from the available options in the Golf Shop
2nd Place – Winner will receive a stock 2024 Taylormade Qi10 Driver from the available options in the Golf Shop
3rd Place – Winner will receive a stock 3 Wedge Set from Taylormade from the available options in the Golf Shop
4th Place – Winner will receive a stock Taylormade Putter from the available options in the Golf Shop
5th Place – Winner will receive a 4some of Golf with Carts for Brooklea Golf Club
If you have any questions related to the pool please do not hesitate to reach out to golfshop@brookleagolf.com and we will happily help clarify. We look forward to having you all join in on the fun!
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